Saturday 29 June 2019

Why India Push for Electric Vehicles in 2019-20

As per WHO , World Health Organization , there are 20 pollutant cities across the globe and 14 of them are in India namely, Delhi, Varanasi, Kanpur , Patna, Gurgaon etc and according to the Centre for Science & environment , the main reason for the pollution is the emission from the vehicles .Even a research done by energy alternative India which is put up in Chennai narrates that Indians transports are accounts for 13%of the total amount of the carbon emission across the globe and around 60% of the county’s pollution is because of this reason.

So to reduce the pollution the best way which can be executed is to introduce the vehicles which emit less or emissions. India have signed a contract with the Paris climate agreement that by the year 2030 India will be reducing the emissions by 33-35 % from the 2005 levels. With this India also aims to increase the electric power capacity from the renewable and new sources to 40% in upcoming 10 years. Experts claim that electric vehicles can be very useful for reducing the pollution level as they offer no emissions and it will also be beneficial for the environment if they are powered by the renewable energy sources like the wind and solar energy.

As per the Society of Manufacturers of the Electric Vehicles , a group of electric vehicles manufactures said that around 1.2 lakhs in the year 2018-19 which was only 56000 units in 2017-18.But it’s a matter of concern that the big brands of the automobile companies across the globe is not engrossed in manufacturing electric vehicles. It is also accounted that these electric vehicles only holds a sale of 10% where as more than 20 crores of the vehicles are sold which are non electrical vehicles.

India accounts to have a market where electrical rickshaw are found in abundance compared to the buses, two wheelers and cars. It is proclaimed by the experts that in the short run it’s the time for the electric rickshaws but electric buses, four wheelers, two wheelers can be only found in the long run. The experts further added that the for wheelers will be converting to the electric vehicles when the commercial vehicles will be shifted to that arena, like the buses, taxi, shuttles and pother modes of public transport. Numerous cities in India such as Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, West Bengal have started deploy to the electric vehicles and ecars as well which are now used for the government officials.

We can be positive and hope that the electric vehicles will be used in abundance by the common man sooner than later which will be very helpful in curbing the pollution level in our India and henceforth it will be beneficial for the world as well as Indian cities accounts for the maximum count for spreading pollution.

India is witnessing a very slow pace of the acceptance of electric vehicles by the car users in spite of high rates of the petrol and diesel and it’s estimated that electric vehicles will be hitting the market because of the government policies which is strictly aiming at minimizing the pollution level in India. Now the demand of the electric vehicles in India might be slow but gradually it will be most found type of vehicles in India. KK Motor is a leading Bike Accessories and Car Accessories Manufacturer In India.

Monday 24 June 2019

How to Prepare a Car for Monsoon to Make Your Drive Bindaas?

Monsoon is the relief from the humid and irritating summers, with the showers the sweating vanishes. But these beautiful days doesn’t last for long and the time commences when heavy rainfall starts and this is the time when you have to be very alert as the heavy rain with the thunderstorm can be very harmful for your car.
Apart from the pros and cons of the heavy rainfall we all love to go for long drives and enjoy with our friends and family. So we are also interested to have fun in the monsoon then you have to prepare a car for monsoon by getting the following services done to your car:-

1. Proper brakes:-
Brakes is the, most important part of your car, but in monsoon it’s very important to have perfect brakes, because in the slippery roads its necessary that you should have good brakes, so that you can keep safe distance with the vehicles on the road. If you witness that your brakes are making any squeaking sound then get them checked immediately.

2. Anti- rust coating:-
To keep your car safe from the rainfall and thunderstorms you should coat your car with anti-rust paints or even some people get their cars painted with paint protection colors or only coats the under-body parts of the cars. This is usually done on the basis of the age and the prevailing condition of your car.

3. Check the Batteries:-
If you are not using your car extensively or have used your car batteries continuously for 3 years then there are chances that your batteries will slow down. It’s always advice to get your car batteries checked by the professionals because we are sure you will never like to get stuck in the midst of heavy rain or block the traffic.

4. Perfect tires:-
Likewise the car brakes, the car tires also plays a vital role in keeping your car stable while you are driving it, Both of them have to be in perfect condition if you desire to have a perfect ride. Whenever you are going for long drives, it’s better to get all the old tires changed and also have a spare tire with you so that in the time of emergency you can manage the situation.

5. Car Insurance is compulsory:-
You should always a financial back up plan for your car irrespective of the fact whether you are using it in your town or log for long distance driving. You should always it your car insured from the Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy. This is a mandatory step which should be taken by all the car owners. If you go for the third party insurance then it will be additional benefit for you not only during monsoon but also for year long.

The Comprehensive Car insurance Policy comprises of the mandatory aspect and insures your car from risks like theft, accidents and calamities. You can increase the insurance cover for the extensive coverage or for the roadside assistance & engine protection.

It is advice to stay alert before monsoon sets in as you stay prepared for all the activities before hand, because little bit seriousness can be very fruitful during the monsoon and will make your car prepared for the monsoon as well.

If you desire to prepare car for monsoon then its better to get your car out to date by doing all the changes which is required to make it a perfect car for monsoon. You can all your car accessories from KK Motors because they are high quality Car Accessories Manufacturer In India.